Email Marketing Sales Solutions
Follow the tips in the infographic to help boost your email campaign, you'll learn.
- The best day of the week that generates the highest sales through email marketing.
- The recommended frequency of e-newsletters to boost open rate and increase your chance of customer’s response.
- The average time it takes for the entire sales process, from reading the email to making the final purchase.
Before diving into email marketing, you should review the statics to see just how much e-mail is used all over the world.
- Business email accounts total 929 million and growing.
- In 2013 over 100 billion business emails were sent and received every day.
- More than half of businesses generate 10% of their sales through email marketing.
- 62% of companies spend more than $7,000 a year on e-mail marketing.
- 7 out of 10 consumers say that they used a discount code received through an e-mail.
Those stats alone should spark some interest in email marketing. If you run a business, then I highly recommend that you build an e-mail list. Think about it, once you capture a consumer’s email address, you can present them with new offers at any given time. Having a responsive list of 1,000 known buyers is far better than a non-responsive list of 100,000. Always build high quality lists, and if you want to build trust then don't spam your list with non-relevant offers.
What are the best times to send emails?
It’s been known that sending emails on Monday generate the highest revenue per e-mail. 21% of purchases happen within 2 days of receiving an e-mail and 32% of purchases take place within 2 weeks after an email is received. A simple tweak to send 4 emails in a month instead of 1 nearly doubles the open rate.
When sending e-mails, the subject line can make or break you. It’s been proven that subject lines with over 70 characters generate more click-thru rates and under 60 gets more opens.
Email Marketing Best Practices
1. Create a name for your promotion
2. Create an enticing offer
3. Create a specific call to action. This is extremely important, if you don’t have a call to action then you won’t generate any sales.
4. Read and Review your e-mails, ask yourself if you would open it and what action does the e-mail make you want to take?
Email Marketing Writing Tips
- Create catchy, short and informative subject lines
- Personalize your e-mail by addressing readers by their name
- Sending something that offers value to the point that they want to share it.
- Don’t send attachments, if you need them to download information then it’s best to include a link to the file. This will help your e-mail from being flagged as spam.
- Keep your signature simple and remember to include your social networks
We encourage you to test the best email timing for your business – we’re curious about the results you get!