where to hire a virtual assistant

Creative Strategies to Hire Overseas Virtual Assistant

Creative Strategies to Hire Overseas Virtual Assistant

Outsourcing work to contractors that are overseas has a bad reputation. Decades of U.S. companies striving to obtain the cheapest possible labor in foreign markets led to a backlash, particularly when the home economy was faltering.

Everyone appears to have a horror narrative how of a low -paid contractor created content that is valueless mismanaged a web site or simply took the cash and vanished. But the difficulty will often result from the pay.

Regardless of what marketplace is selected, keep the language barrier in mind. Hiring foreign contractors to write eloquent English content can be an exercise in frustration — not to mention the minefield of copyright flags. Instead, hire international virtual assistants to perform the following tasks that may often be done independent

1. Raw Programming

Javascript, HTML, cascading style sheets (CSS) — programming languages would be the same whether an individual's native language is English, Japanese Spanish or whatever else. There is no need to fret about virtual assistants' English fluency when they're creating code for website modifications, plug-ins or landing pages.

A foreign coder is equally as prone to create a quality site as a domestic one, and can get it done at a fraction of the cost. We recommend having all your requirements written out in detail, and always ask the programmer for technical documentation. That way, if you use another programmer down the line, he/she will always know what the previous worker did.

2. Scripted Live Chat

Scripted live chat agents are going to sound somewhat affected and stilted when English is their second language. Then again, if it is necessary to stick to your script, then it may be best that the person resides in the States.

Live chat agents are paid to be accessible via online website chat. When a user visits the website and has a question, the live chat agent should be readily available to answer the question. Chat agents typically do not desire to have a deep understanding of the company. They receive some basic information and scripts by the company that make it possible for them to answer most questions through live chat.

3. Lead Generation

Website contact forms are a primary source for collecting new customer leads. The task of sort through the contact messages, creating e-mail follow-up campaigns and tracking your e-mail conversion rate can be time consuming to setup and maintain. A virtual assistant is a great person to use to tackle this task so you can free up your time.

4. Graphic Design

Imagery is somewhat like coding. There are just as many talented graphic designers overseas as you will find domestically, and their services cost less. Need a brand new logo designed, a brochure put together or a mockup for a site layout? Any task that requires a graphic designer can be handled by an overseas virtual assistant.

Another good plan is to outsource the creation of the infographics for the company. An internal staffer can handle of assembling the data, the initial legwork, and the virtual assistant would do the manual labor of putting the graphic together.

Determine whether to hire a general virtual assistant or a specialization graphic designer. Everything comes right down to how much image work is needed. Other tasks can be covered by a generalist at the same time, although a specialist may be perfect for large jobs.

5. Social Media Direction

HootSuite and SproutSocial is a remarkably powerful tool for managing the social-media accounts of a company, but it takes hours to reply to everyday opinions and assemble basic analytics data. Instead of doing it alone, use the integrated team management to employ a virtual assistant to run the organization ‘s social media accounts.

It is not impossible to readily limit exactly what the virtual helper can get for security reasons. Arrange for the virtual assistant to respond to comments as they arrive and to run the company's feeds.

6. Blogging

Blogging includes more than just writing and publishing articles. There are an array of tasks that can be done with the help of a virtual assistant, like blog updates, search engine optimization, proof reading, software updates, site backups and more.

Instead of handling these tasks yourself, hire an overseas virtual assistant as a website editor or supervisor. When exploring this route, you should draft outlines of the skills needed for the job, along with an outline or bullet points for posts to create, images and video footage to find that can be used as a blog post reference.

Where to find Freelancers

  1. Upwork
  2. Freelancer

Overall, outsourcing will enable you to free up your precious time which allows you to focus your time on running your business.

2 thoughts on “Creative Strategies to Hire Overseas Virtual Assistant”

  1. This site is customized, thanks. I write about topics I’m passionate about, and making money is one of them. 🙂

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